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Louisiana Grown

Identifying and promoting Louisiana specialty crops and agricultural food products

The program

The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry developed the  Louisiana Grown Real. Fresh.  program to identify and promote Louisiana agricultural specialty crops and the value-added food products of such crops grown, harvested, and processed in Louisiana. You can find harvest calendars, fresh recipes, and upcoming events at .

The logo

The  Louisiana Grown Real. Fresh.  logo branding is designed to create consumer awareness and increased consumption of Louisiana specialty crops. The logo is trademarked and will be licensed free of charge to specialty crop producers who apply for use and have been deemed eligible.

Wholesalers, farmers’ markets, and retailers selling Louisiana grown specialty crops can also apply for use of the logo for advertising and promotional purposes. The logo may be used on containers, packages, and/or labels that hold or contain 100% Louisiana grown specialty crop products and on promotional items, such as signs, tee-shirts, bumper stickers, bags, and aprons, also in ads and other promotional materials.

Fill out this application (PDF) to apply for a license to use the logo.