Commercial feed and pet food
Protect livestock, pets, and consumers by ensuring animal food is safe from adulteration and has accurate labeling
LDAF Feed Program
The LDAF Feed Program partners with the FDA to conduct contract inspections of feed manufacturers, distributors, retailers and veterinarians to ensure compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), 21CFR507 Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Animal Food, Medicated feed manufacture and Veterinary Feed Directives.
Industry supports the LDAF Feed Program by registering their companies and their labels, as well as supporting the program financially through annual program fees.
The State of Louisiana defines Commercial Feed as, “All materials including vitamin and mineral mixes, except whole seeds unmixed or physically altered entire unmixed seeds, which are distributed for use as pet food or as feed for livestock or for mixing in pet food or in feed for livestock and includes cottonseed meal and soybean meal.”
Registration, labeling, and tonnage reporting for commercial feed and pet food
Any person or entity that manufactures or is a guarantor of a “Commercial Feed,” including “Custom-Mixes/Customer-Formulated Mixes,” must register with the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry Feed Program Division prior to distribution within the State of Louisiana.
Prior to distributing a Commercial Feed in the State of Louisiana, all products must have a label submitted for review and approval along with applicable label fees.
Custom Mixes/Customer-Formulated Mixes must be labeled per Louisiana R.S. 3:1394 but are exempt from label registration and review.
Contact info
All Feed Program registrants must submit accurate quarterly reports, indicating the amount in tons and the type of “Commercial Feed” distributed in Louisiana during the previous fiscal quarter.
Tonnage reports are due on October 1st, January 1st, April 1st, July 1st.
Tonnage reports and corresponding inspection fees not received within 30 days of the due date will be subject to a late penalty in addition to the inspection fees due. Late penalties are assessed at 25% of the inspection fees due.
Specialty Companies, determined by the LDAF Feed Program, who have paid the Specialty Company fee of $200, are exempt from quarterly inspection fees. Specialty Companies must still submit quarterly tonnage reports without inspection fees.
Contact info
Related links
Feed Law (Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 3, Ch. 10-A, Part II, §1391- 1407)
Agricultural Chemistry & Seed Commission FEED Rules & Regulations (LAC Title 7)
Guidance for Making & Selling Pet Food and Treats in Louisiana
LSU Agricultural Chemistry Submission Forms- Sample/Fee Information (General Public Submissions)
U.S. Food & Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine (FDA CVM)
FDA Pet Food Recalls & Withdrawals (Look for current pet food recalls, view past archives, report a pet food complaint, report animal drug side effects and product problems)