NOTICE: Notice of Intent - Voluntary Inspection of Exotic Animals (LAC 7:XXXIII.301-333)
The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry submitted a Notice of Intent with the Louisiana State Register giving public notice that the Department intends to promulgate LAC 7:XXXIII.301-333, relative to the establishment of Voluntary Inspection Services for the Slaughtering and Processing of Exotic Animals. The proposed rule change is being promulgated in accordance with Act No. 33 of the Regular Session, which enacted R.S. 3:4215(E), that provides for voluntary inspection services for establishments that slaughter or prepares meat or meat products of bison, cervidae, bovidae (other than beef), camelidae and hybrids thereof, domestic rabbits, pheasant, quail, partridge, peafowl, grouse, wild turkey, or other animals or poultry determined by the commissioner of agriculture for human food purposes. This is a new program within the existing Meat and Poultry Inspection program and is entirely fee-based, with no cost to the state. The proposed rules set forth the general provisions for the new Voluntary Inspection Services for slaughter and processing of exotic animals. The proposed rules include standards, and guidelines for establishments wishing to apply for this program; the application process for requesting voluntary inspection; fees and operating hours for voluntary inspection services; facility and humane standards; marking guidelines; procedures for recalls, public health notices, as well as detention, condemnation and seizure of product; reasons for withholding of voluntary inspection services; prohibitions and investigations, as well as adjudicatory proceedings for alleged violations.
The Notice of Intent will be published in the March 2025 edition of the State Register. Interested Interested persons may submit written comments, data, opinions, and arguments regarding the proposed Rule. Written submissions must be directed to Amy L. McInnis, Department of Agriculture & Forestry, 5825 Florida Blvd., Suite 2000, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 and must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 10, 2025. All written comments must be signed and dated.